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Peer-reviewed Publications

- Castagnola MJ, Medina-Paz F, Zapico SC. "Uncovering Forensic Evidence: A Path to Age Estimation through DNA Methylation". Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Apr 30;25(9):4917. doi: 10.3390/ijms25094917.

C Zapico S, Matos S, Conte J. "Assessment of the efficiency of DNA isolation and profiling applying a temperature-driven method in human remains". Electrophoresis. 2024 May;45(9-10):805-813. doi: 10.1002/elps.202300273. Epub 2024 Jan 21.

- Medina-Paz F, Kuba B, Kryvorutsky E, Roca G, Zapico SC. "Assessment of Blood and Semen Detection and DNA Collection from Swabs up to Three Months after Deposition on Five Different Cloth Materials". Int J Mol Sci. 2024 Mar 20;25(6):3522. doi: 10.3390/ijms25063522.

- Rodríguez de Fonseca F, Medina-Paz F, Sapozhnikov M, Hurtado-Guerrero I, Rubio L, Martín-de-Las-Heras S, Requena-Ocaña N, Flores-López M, Fernández-Arjona MDM, Rivera P, Serrano A, Serrano P, C Zapico S, Suárez J. "Plasma Concentrations of High Mobility Group Box 1 Proteins and Soluble Receptors for Advanced Glycation End-Products Are Relevant Biomarkers of Cognitive Impairment in Alcohol Use Disorder: A Pilot Study". Toxics
. 2024 Feb 29;12(3):190. doi: 10.3390/toxics12030190.

Zapico SC, Roca G. "Making the Most of Lateral Flow Immunochromatographic Tests: An Efficient Protocol to Recover DNA". Methods Protoc. 2024 Jan 15;7(1):8. doi: 10.3390/mps7010008.

Zapico SC, Stadler C, Roca G. "Assessment of body fluid identification and DNA profiling after exposure to tropical weather conditions". J Forensic Sci. 2024 Mar;69(2):631-639. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.15453. Epub 2023 Dec 26.

C. Zapico S, Roca G. "A spit in time: identification of saliva stains and assessment of total DNA recovery up to 180 days after deposition". Forensic Sci Med Pathol​ 2023 Aug 15. doi: 10.1007/s12024-023-00691-6. Online ahead of print.

- Rubio L, Suárez J, Martin-de-Las-Heras S, Zapico SC. “Partners in Postmortem Interval Estimation: X-ray Diffraction and Fourier Transform Spectroscopy”. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Apr 5;24(7):6793.

- C. Zapico S, Lascano V, Sadik T, Paromita P, Amaya J, Stadler C, Roca G. “The killer outfit and timing: Impact of fabric and time on body fluid identification and DNA profiling”. For. Sci. Int. Gen. Suppl. 2022, 8: 248-250.

C. Zapico S, Dytso A, Rubio L, Roca G. "The Perfect Match: Assessment of Sample Collection Efficiency for Immunological and Molecular Findings in Different Types of Fabrics". Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(18):10686.

- C. Zapico S, Ubelaker DH. "Application of Aspartic Acid Racemization for Age Estimation in a Spanish Sample". Biology 2022, 11(6), 856. 

- C. Zapico S, Adserias-Garriga J. “Postmortem Interval Estimation: New Approaches by the Analysis of Human Tissues and Microbial Communities’ Changes”. Forensic Sci. 2022, 2(1), 163-174.

- C. Zapico S, Gauthier Q, Antevska A, McCord, BR. “Identifying methylation patterns in dental pulp aging: application to age-at-death estimation in Forensic Anthropology”. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 3717.

- Zapico SC, Adserias-Garriga J. “Estimation of sex based on postcranial elements in European American and Latin American populations”. J Forensic Leg Med. 2021; 77:102098.

- De Alcaraz-Fossoul J, Zapico SC, Dean ER, Mueller KE, Johnson C, Roberts KA. “Evaluation of latent fingermark color contrast as aging parameter under different environmental conditions: A preliminary study”. J Forensic Sci. 2021;66(2):719-736.

- Zapico SC, Crucet K, Antevska A, Fernandez-Paradas R, Burns C, DeGaglia C, Ubelaker DH. “From your eyes only: Efficiency of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA isolation from contact lenses at crime scenes”. Electrophoresis. 2020 Epub ahead of print.

- De Alcaraz-Fossoul J, Tully-Doyle R, Weber AR, Barrot Feixat C, Zapico SC, Rivera Cardenas N, Sirard MJ, Graber RP. “A Small Population Study on Friction Skin Ridges: Differences in Ridge Widths Between Latent and Inked Fingerprints”. J Forensic Sci. 2020; 65(2):620-626.

- Gómez-Gómez ME, C. Zapico S. “Frailty, Cognitive Decline, Neurodegenerative Diseases and Nutrition Interventions”. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20, 2842.

- Núñez Martínez P, T. Menéndez S, Villaronga MA, Ubelaker D, García-Pedrero J, C. Zapico S. “The Big Sleep: Elucidating the sequence of events in the first hours of death to determine the Postmortem Interval”. Sci Justice. 2019;59(4):418-424.

- De Alcaraz-Fossoul J, Barrot-Feixat C, C. Zapico S, McGarr L, Carreras-Marin C, Tasker J, Gené Manuel. “Latent Fingermark aging patterns (Part IV): Ridge width as one indicator of degradation”. J Forensic Sci. 2019; 64(4):1057-1066.

- McCord B, Gauthier Q, Cho S, Roig M, Gibson-Daw G, Young B, Taglia F, Zapico SC, Mariot RF, Lee SB, Duncan G. “Forensic DNA Analysis”. Anal Chem. 2019;91(1):673-688.

- Adserias-Garriga J and Zapico SC. “Age Assessment in Forensic Cases: Anthropological, Odontological and Biochemical Methods for Age Estimation in the Dead”. M J Foren. 1(1):001.

- Adserias-Garriga J, Thomas C, Ubelaker DH, C Zapico S. “When Forensic Odontology met Biochemistry: Multidisciplinary approach in forensic human identification”. Arch Oral Biol. 2017 Dec 9;87:7-14.

- De Alcaraz-Fossoul J, Barrot-Feixat C, C. Zapico S, Carreras-Marin C, Roberts K, Gené Manuel. “Ridge width correlations between inked prints and powdered latent fingerprints”. J Forensic Sci. 2018 Jul; 63(4):1085-1091.

- Adserias-Garriga J, Nogué-Navarro L, Zapico SC, Ubelaker DH. “Setting the light conditions for measuring root transparency for age-at-death estimation methods”. Int J Legal Med. 2018; 132(2):637-641.  

- De Alcaraz-Fossoul J, Barrot-Feixat C, Carreras-Marin C, Tasker J, C. Zapico S, Gené Manuel. “Latent Fingermark aging patterns (Part III): Discontinuity index as one indicator of degradation”. J Forensic Sci. 2017;62(5):1180-1187.

- Adserias-Garriga J, Ubelaker DH., C. Zapico S. “Evaluation of macroscopic changes and the efficiency of DNA profiling from burnt teeth”. Sci Justice. 2016;56(6):437-442.

- C. Zapico S, Menéndez ST. “Human mitochondrial and nuclear DNA isolation from food bite marks”. Arch Oral Biol. 2016; 70:67-72

- C. Zapico S, Ubelaker DH. “Relationship between mtDNA mutations and aging. Estimation of age-at-death”. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2017;71(4):445-50.

- Bekaert B, Kalamandua A, C. Zapico S, Van der Voorde W, Decorte R. “A selective set of DNA-methylation markers for age determination from blood and teeth samples”. Epigenetics. 2015;10(10):922-30.

- C. Zapico S, Menéndez ST, Núñez P. “Cell death proteins as markers of early post-mortem interval”.Cell Mol Life Sci. 2014;71(15):2957-62.

- Zapico SC, Ubelaker DH. “Sex determination from dentin and pulp in medicolegal context”. J Am Dent Assoc. 2013;144(12):1379-85.

- Zapico SC, Ubelaker DH. “mtDNA mutations and their role in aging, diseases and forensic sciences”. Aging Dis. 2013;4(6):364-380. Invited Review.

- Rodriguez C, Martín V, Herrera F, García-Santos G, Rodriguez-Blanco J, Casado-Zapico S, Sánchez-Sánchez AM, Suárez S, Puente-Moncada N, Anítua MJ, Antolín I. “Mechanisms involved in the pro-apoptotic effect of melatonin in cancer cells.” Int J Mol Sci. 2013 Mar 25;14(4):6597-613.

- C. Zapico S, Ubelaker DH. “Applications of physiological bases of ageing to forensic sciences. Estimation of age at death”. Ageing Res Rev. 2013 Mar;12(2):605-17. 

- Rodríguez-Blanco J, Martín V, García-Santos G, Herrera F, Casado-Zapico S, Antolín I, Rodríguez C. “Cooperative action of JNK and Akt/mTOR in 1-methyl-4-phenylpiridinium-induced autophagy of neural PC12 cells”. J Neurosci Res. 2012 Sep;90(9):1850-60.

- García-Santos G, Martín V, Rodríguez-Blanco J, Herrera F, Casado-Zapico S, Sánchez-Sánchez AM, Antolín I, Rodríguez C. “Fas/Fas ligand regulation mediates cell death in human Ewing’s sarcoma cells treated with melatonin”. Br J Cancer. 2012 Mar 27;106(7):1288-96.

- Sánchez-Sánchez AM, Martín V, García-Santos G, Rodríguez-Blanco J, Casado-Zapico S, Suárez-Garnacho S, Antolín I, Rodriguez C. “Intracellular redox state as determinant for melatonin antiproliferative vs cytotoxic effects in cancer cells”. Free Radic Res. 2011 Nov;45(11-12):1333-41.

- Casado-Zapico S, Martín V, García-Santos G, Rodríguez-Blanco J, Sánchez-Sánchez AM, Luño E, Suárez C, García-Pedrero JM, Tirados-Menéndez S, Antolín I, Rodríguez C. “Regulation of death receptors and their ligands expression by melatonin in both cell lines and patient leukemia cells”. J. Pineal Res. 50(3):345-55, 2011.

- Tirados-Menéndez S, Rodrigo JP, Allonca E, García-Carracedo D, Álvarez-Alija G, Casado-Zapico S, Fresno MF, Rodríguez C, Suárez C, García-Pedrero JM. “Expression and clinical significance of the Kv3.4 potassium channel subunit in the development and progression of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas” J. Pathol. 221(4):402-10, 2010.

- Casado-Zapico S, Rodríguez-Blanco J, García-Santos G, Martín V, Sánchez-Sánchez AM, Antolín I, Rodríguez C. “Synergistic antitumor effect of melatonin with several chemotherapeutic drugs on human Ewing sarcoma cancer cells: potentiation of the extrinsic apoptotic pathway” J. Pineal Res. 48:72-80, 2010.

- Martín V, García-Santos G, Rodríguez-Blanco J, Casado-Zapico S, Sánchez-Sánchez A, Antolín I, Medina A, Rodríguez C. “Melatonin sensitizes human malignant glioma cells against TRAIL-induced cell death” Cancer Letters. 287:216-23, 2010.

Book Contributions

- C. Parra R, C. Zapico S, Ubelaker DH. Editor. “Forensic Science and Humanitarian Action. Interacting with the dead and the living”. Author of four chapters. Book for “Forensic Science in Focus”, American Academy of Forensic Science. Editorial Wiley. Release in February 2020.

- C. Zapico S, Stone-Gordon R, Adserias-Garriga J. “The evolution of methodology in biochemical age estimation”. Chapter in the book “Age Estimation. A Multidisciplinary Approach” by Joe Adserias-Garriga, Elsevier, 2019.

- C. Zapico S, DeGaglia C, Adserias-Garriga J. “Age estimation based on chemical approaches”. Chapter in the book “Age Estimation. A Multidisciplinary Approach” by Joe Adserias-Garriga, Elsevier, 2019.

- C. Zapico S, Thomas C, Zoppis S. “Age estimation based on molecular biology approaches”. Chapter in the book “Age Estimation. A Multidisciplinary Approach” by Joe Adserias-Garriga, Elsevier, 2019.

- C. Zapico S, editor. “Mechanisms linking aging, diseases and biological age estimation”. Book for CRC Press. Author of seven chapters:

- C. Zapico S, Adserias-Garriga J. “New approaches in Postmortem Interval (PMI) estimation”. Chapter in the book “Forensic Science: New Developments, Perspectives and Advanced Technologies” by NOVA Science Publishers, Inc.

- Núñez P, C. Zapico S. “Melatonin: A double-edge Sword for Cancer Treatment”. Chapter in the book “Chemistry Research Summaries” by NOVA Science Publishers, Inc.

- Rodríguez C, García-Santos G, Casado-Zapico S, Martín V, Rodríguez-Blanco J, Sánchez-Sánchez AM, Antolín I. “New Strategies on the Treatment of Ewing Sarcoma”. Chapter in the book “Sarcoma: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments” by NOVA Science Publishers, Inc.

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